
Series: Time-Life Library of Art [ All ]

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  Title Copies
American painting 1900-1970 
Year: 1973 
The World of Bernini 1598-1680 
Year: 1973 
The World of Bruegel c. 1525-1569 
Year: 1971 
The World of Cezanne 1839-1906 
Year: 1975 
The World of Delacroix 1798-1863 
Year: 1975 
The World of Durer 1471-1528 
Year: 1972 
The World of Gainsborough 1727-1788 
Year: 1972 
The World of Giotto c. 1267-1337 
Year: 1973 
The World of Goya 1746-1828 
Year: 1975 
The World of Leonardo 1452-1519 
Year: 1971